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  • Site Counter:4,361,001


    Type of A. I. Centre Govt. Static Centre Govt. Mobile Centre Pranibandhu Mobile Centre Co-operative & Other Units Pranisebee Total
    2020-21 0 1050 3411 1201 2509 8171
    2019-20 0 1046 3477 1220 2513 8256
    2018-19 0 1132 3516 1191 1591 7430
    2017-18 0 1422 3532 1079 - 6033
    2016-17 0 1610 3536 990 - 6136
    2015-16 0 1604 3533 550 - 5687
    2014-15 0 1726 3114 719 - 5559
    2013-14 12 1725 3210 700 - 5647
    2012-13 12 1763 3178 760 - 5713
    2011-12 12 1918 3167 701 - 5798
    2010-11 240 1706 3097 700 - 5743
    2009-10 250 1809 2990 695 - 5744
    2008-09 1272 809 2940 681 - 5702
    2007-08 1279 809 2816 625 - 5529
    2006-07 1322 809 2776 604 - 5511
    2005-06 1543 809 2697 546 - 5595
    2004-05 1753 809 2505 567 - 5634
    2003-04 2294 309 2231 510 - 5344
    2002-03 2668 - 1214 515 - 4397
    2001-02 2651 - - 1048 - 3699