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    The glimpse of the objectives of Cattle & Buffalo development programme is to augment milk production in the State of West Bengal. Though projection of cattle farming as one of the means of self-employment, rural women empowerment, additional income source, source for minimum nutrients in terms of animal protein, fat etc. to the people are equally having importance.

    Main objective of the Sanstha is to up-grade the general breed of the cattle and buffalo in the State and to achieve high quality of Milch Cows & as well as bulls with quality genetic value.

    The basic aspirations are to restructure and re-orient the cattle and buffalo breeding operations in the State.

    •     To cover maximum breedable bovines as possible, under organized breeding network.
    •     To produce, procure & supply the quality breeding inputs and services.
    •     To ensure implementation of the State Breeding Policy in Cattle and Buffalo.
    •     To provide services to farmers' doorstep.
    •     To develop synergies with and ensure participation of all concerned agencies.

    The prime lookout of the Sanstha is to increase production of milk and milk products of good quality. The recommendation of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in respect of milk requirement, is at least 220 gm per capita per day (WHO recommends 210 gm and the State’s norms 180 gm). The present per capita milk availability is 145 gm per day. The basic mandate is to improve milk production through development of genetically superior milk producing bovine population of this State.