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    The Sanstha felt the need of establishing a Molecular Biology laboratory for RFLP / Karyotyping and PCR detection of IBR in semen which would be useful in the long run for this Semen Station. In the Year 2005, a Molecular Biology laboratory was established at Frozen Semen Bull Station, Haringhata. At present this laboratory is performing both the Quality Control of Semen as well as Karyotyping of Bulls. During the year 2014-15, Karyotyping of 48 nos. of bulls of different FSBS run by PBGSBS have been done, out of which, no abnormality in Karyotype has been found. As on 31.03.2015, 676 numbers of bulls were Karyotyped from this Laboratory, out of which, abnormality in Karyotype has been found in 15 Bulls.