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    Brimming with huge vista of hope and aspirations to enhance milk production in our State with the mission to improve the qualitative and quantitative breed of bovine population, Paschim Banga Go-Sampad Bikash Sanstha (PBGSBS), a registered Society, was formed as State Implementing Agency under the aegis of the Animal Resources Development Department on the 28th day of January, 2002. PBGSBS had the vision to reach to the doorstep of each farmer with best of the breeding inputs available, at least cost and to improve the existing technology of breeding through extensive research and development in the fields of Artificial Insemination (AI) with strict quality control.

    PBGSBS is determined to improve the rural economy through upgraded technologies, by improving the productive level of the cattle & buffalo and to form a bridge between the National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB), State Cattle & Buffalo breeding operations and farmers of the State. With the organized networks PBGSBS has the means to maintain and supply quality breeding inputs & services, and stand committed to the cause.

    Increasing the population and productivity of milch cows and buffaloes has been the prime focus. And to cover the enormous colossal task of reaching out to over 342 Blocks of our State, the Sanstha with the limited manpower, but with the aims and aspirations well set, has set forth the various programmes with a 6298 odd army of trained private AI workers.